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Laboratory Biomedical Technologies

TEB Laboratory performs multidisciplinary research in classic and molecular radiobiology, experimental oncology and carcinogenesis, molecular immunology, molecular basis of chronic inflammatory diseases, biological effects and clinical applications of electromagnetic fields, and on the use of natural compounds for human and animal health protection.

The laboratory pursues the study of low-dose ionizing radiation effects, specifically regarding the risk esteem from environmental, cosmic, occupational and medical exposure. Moreover, cellular and molecular mechanisms related to cancer and non-cancer effects of radiation are evaluated, developing radiation high-sensitivity animal models, as well as specific in vitro models, in order to improve low-dose exposure risk quantification.
Research on thermal and non-thermal effects of electromagnetic fields are carried out, along with design and development of experimental models and exposure systems,  therapeutic and diagnostic applications, besides the evaluation of exposure standards related to general population and occupational health protection.
The laboratory is involved in the study of immune response regulatory mechanisms, so as to identify new therapeutic targets, understand environmental factors’ effects, characterize the alterations responsible for immune-mediate disorders (autoimmunity, allergies, inflammatory diseases). By the integration of in vivo and in vitro models, experimental protocols and innovative immune-therapeutic tools for cancer therapy,  vaccines and chronic inflammatory diseases’ diagnosis and treatment  are developed.
Furthermore, a specific research line analyzes the role of a natural plant extract in inflammatory and repair processes  involved in wound healing.


Status: ongoing

  • Ottimizzazione dell’efficacia di trasfezione per il trattamento locale di malattie muscolari rare e non

  • Campi elettrici pulsati ultra brevi in combinazione con radiazioni ionizzanti: verso una terapia automatizzata e personalizzata del cancro

  • Optimizing Benefit/Risk Ratio in Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Radiotherapy: Identifying Molecular, Cellular and Imaging Signatures of Breast Cancer Heterogeneity to Improve Personalized Therapeutic Strategies for Synergistic Treatment Combinations

  • Dissecting radiation effects into the cerebellum microenvironment driving tumor promotion

  • Scientific-Based Exposure and Risk Assessment of Radiofrequency and mm-Wave Systems from children to elderly (5G and Beyond)

  • Partnership for european research in radiation protection and detection of ionising radiation: towards a safer use and improved protection of the environment and human health.

Status: Completed

  • HEXEDRA safety study

  • Dosimetria di un nuovo trattamento rTMS in colture 3D della malattia di Alzheimer per l’identificazione di marcatori di efficacia terapeutica

  • Indagine, tramite questionario, sulle correlazioni tra le reazioni avverse post-vaccinali al vaccino anti Covid-19 e le abitudini alimentari, lo stile di vita e l'anamnesi personale e familiare

  • Effects of the exposure of young animals to radiofrequencies